Managed Print Services – Take Control of Your Printers
Posted May 2014
Managed Print Services – Take Control of Your Printers
Allow us to introduce TGI’s Green Print Saves (GPS), an innovative program designed to analyze your current office environment and create a cost-effective, eco-friendly managed print services plan. Whether you are a small business of five employees or an enterprise of 3,000, our GPS program can reduce printing costs, eliminate hardware administration expense and improve your organization’s overall efficiency.
Control Costs
Many organizations have no idea how much money they’re spending on their printer fleet. Cap Ventures says that on average anywhere from 3–12% of a company’s total revenue is spent on the printing of documents. TGI has helped numerous organizations optimize the types and locations of their printers, cut down on the number of different types of toners they need to manage and improve their overall printing processes, resulting in a significant reduction in costs.
Sustainable Printing
By replacing power-hungry devices with power-efficient ones, standardizing on toner/paper-saving functions and proactively managing device power usage, TGI can help you reduce your carbon footprint. We provide ongoing best practices, as well as a quarterly Green Report to make sure your organization stays on the path to improvement.
Device Management
Most organizations handle printer issues reactively causing headaches, lost productivity and missed deadlines. IT departments’ involvement in handling printer fleets is increasing, resulting in major technology initiatives being put on hold because a down printer is unacceptable. With TGI’s GPS Program, we take the burden off your shoulders so you can get back to work. We use a specialized software suite to monitor your entire printer fleet, keeping track of toner levels, service alerts, maintenance issues and usage. With this information, we can proactively make changes, deliver toner or send a technician—all before you even know there’s an issue.
Supply Inventory Management
Have you ever stocked up on printer toner only to realize that it doesn’t fit the newest model you just purchased? Do you need a giant spreadsheet to keep track of all your toner product codes? Has your toner inventory taken over part of your office? Many organizations are literally drowning in their toner supply and managing it has become a full-time job. Our GPS Program frees you from having to store, manage and order toner. We proactively monitor your toner usage and send it over when you need it.
To receive your free print analysis assessment, fill out our online form or contact a sales representative at 1-866-468-4462.